Some of you may be aware that there has been good general rain across large parts of NSW. Happily this includes the far west. However, sometimes the water causes a few problems for those of us who are trying to travel the roads.

On Wed I had a meeting in Broken Hill so had to head out Tues. It was quite a trip but thankfully I was travelling with Danny Byrnes, a Drought Support Worker with Industry and Investment, NSW. After meeting Danny on the road we went and had lunch with one of the bush's more excentric characters, Mick Huntly. Mick lives and works on the farm by himself during the week and then goes to Hay each weekend to be with his family. Unfortunately this situation is not all that uncommon as many families have to have off farm income to keep going, but live too far out for people to commute.

All was well until we got 15km out of Ivanhoe and hit the water. Over 200mls had fallen in the area. After walking the track we decided it was OK and this turned out to be the case as we got through with very little trouble.
However, the best part of the trip was the countryside that had turned green. It was one fantastic sight after another with lots of lakes all over the place, green growth everywhere and livestock who were walking around with big grins on their faces. Even the emus looked like all their christmas' had come at once. I still find it remarkable how quickly this country recovers. As they say out here "just add water!".