I stopped for a break and strolled around a conservation area - in the middle was this shelter shed and seeing it made me think of the Nativity scenes you may have seen in shops and people's homes at this time of the year. I was on my last road trip for the year, heading for a small school's presentation night in Nyngan. It was a great night. They talked of the work from the camp that was run in Nyngan with the Uniting Church's help, linking the private schools and growing and helping the community. I returned to my motel after the break and worked out that, for tomorrow's run to Walgett (which was just up the road from Nyngan by 3 3/4 hrs!), I would need an early start, even allowing for stops along the way. I had a tag along friend with me for this trip - someone to talk to, to point out different trees etc. This was great fun plus good yarns about the school and setting up work for next year.
Kel checking out a tree - just loves it but a bit hot in the low 40's! |
The School Presentation held in local hall cool . |
This year has been a busy one, a year of connections affirming the need for our ministry. I am finding great acceptances from the community-based services eg "Hi Rev Phill. Can you come to such and such a day?" I even got a Christmas card mailed to me that had been hand written. I'm proud of the work of all of our Chaplains - I hear "Pst David did this" or "Rev Jo and Lou called in". Julie's work with the mental health handbook and the joint School Camp that the Uniting Church ran is held in high regard. Our work is based on Matthew 25 "For as much as you do for them, you do for me". I have been building connections with churches who are looking to do missions through giving, and with community to find those in need. As I slow down for a holiday and to reunite with loved ones it will be good to see them in person, as these school Celebration nights have replaced those event I miss for my own Grand children in Sydney. Our ministry covers vast areas - at meetings we share the area we cover and people ask "how can you connect to those you only see for short periods of time?" I feel God works on after we have left a place, and of course before we get somewhere too. How do they know God loves them? We come to their event, letting them know that we've come to see them, to participate and to help.
Hot pool with hoops at Burren Junction |
We do not put those we meet "through hoops" and thankfully admin is the same - there is a process but it works well allowing quick responses to calls for help. Also we don't use "hoops" for those we build community with - a word from the Holy Spirit leads us which, so many times, leads us to be in the right place at the right time. Everywhere I go Jesus opens up conversations.
The sandstone caves between Narrabri and Coona in the Pilliga - lots of Gods art and help from those who first walked this area 1000's years ago |
The caves again reminded me of that First Christmas - was it a shed or a cave? But it also reminds me the colour of an Australian Christmas - the sandstone grays to pink grooves; cracks hanging together. That's what God call us to do, to be shaped by him; different colours hanging in and on but falling is a new start . Allow time for God to shape you, guide you, and allow yourself to be. Sit and enjoy the Christ child and allow him to fill you with a sense of joy, hope, love and peace.
Thanks to all who support our work in prayer, and in other ways. From Julie, Jo, Lou, David and me. And to you for reading!
A very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!