The Bourk Weir on the 7 September 2016
We being myself Lou and Rev Jo Smalbil had driven to Bourke for BBQ as most of the sites in Cobar had closed roads. Seeing the water flow after our last trip was a joy to behold . The river looks much the same at North Bourke bridge where we had our lunch so I took them to the Weir,
Down stream from Bourke Weier |
The top side of Bourke Weir
This has been, as you all know a good winter for rain, but we need in many areas some dry warm sunny days to allow crops to dry their feet. Other wise they may rot in the ground and same for stock as they too get foot rot . But the country is beautifully green and yellow, with the rivers and creeks running . As I travelled down from Narrabri via Walgett (as I had 2 meetings there) I had to drive through numerous water on road sections, plus one detour of 20 kms, but all safe no dramers I did think I should have packed my self inflating life jacket.
The BBQ at North Bourke |
his kite kept us amused |
Lou taking time to photograph the Darling River in full flight
Well I readybmy self for the next tour meeting old friends and making new ones this river system can change so quikly from now on we hope to get some good follow up rain keeping crops growing rivers flowing. . But what we wont and what we get is not guaranteed but we will be hear travelling with those we have met on our mission.
There are areas who have flooding, that is not helpful pray for them.The loss of stock, fencing and crops is a hardship that they do not need.
I will post photos from the tour as and when when I can Shalom.