The last few months have been a busy time so busy something had to slip and it was the Blog ,I choose to post on our Face book page Photos and a quick message it was easier and and kept many informed. I hope live is coming back to a speed I can handle as I have missed my time in Blog world.
What did happen well Lots some good and some very sad (all I ask is you pray for healing ) . Many think I have the best job in the world driving round this awesome state western area and that is so true, but! life has some ups and downs, God allows me to be part of both the ups and the downs that is what a relationships is all about. Good news
Rain rain and more rain |
Rivers flowed (The Castlereagh River)

and even rained on the harvest trucks
But the harvest has been good to excellent in many areas across "the State best for many years"is the term being used. "But always a But" the price is low, but they are getting their first crop for many years . I took a weekend off to head to the coast to visit my old Church BUT ! again as you can see it did not happen.
The smell and lack of speed then smoke told me O it is not well, so I found safe place to stop and did a quick check water oil van belts then rang NRMA and found myself in the cab of a big tilt tray heading home thanks Walcah NRMA dept great service and the young man who drew the short straw drove me home and we had a great yarn . (well I did)
I got car back a week later new clutch .

The strip I use to show how dry it is at Cryon NSW has crop and the Slat Bush has
come back to Life as shown above it is looking great. I have spent a lot of time with those grieving also with families in trouble as this good crop has come to late for them. It is hard to be down when others are doing well the rain has changed a lot of things and for some the sense we are all in this together has gone. Don't get me wrong there is a sense of community still but also for some feelings of isolation in their plight. Christmas is coming for some this will be a time of celebration if they have had payment for Crop otherwise it like the last 3 years. Rain is not money crop is not money till it is paid for and bills paid. But it is hope grain for next crop ground moisture to grow the next crop and the grass. Blessings have come for many other still need another year or so till life can become normal as I write this a call for support for a number of farming families . I also worked in a Q fever vaccination program for farmers in Walgett area we got workers from local meat works too. It was a good place to engage with farmers and their families as we waited for the next stage BP test, Talk to Doctor blood test then back in 7 days to get results and then if clear have your vaccination that part hurt yes I joined the whole process as I was told I hang round with them and their animals (I did not sign up for that) . Lastly I took time to do some team building at House of Shalom Carcoar leading us across bridges

Below is the how the Girilambone Shy looked as I pulled in to town ready for school presentation night, last year the sky looked a little like this but nothing happen.
This year well we can't say the same the sky exploded to see more go to our Face Book page to say I just washed my car and fitted new windscreen, but the full power of nature was shown unleashed .
due to commitments of my editors I did added some my own edit. Well I found the words I left out and the comers plus added some of the clean keys marks enjoy Blessings