The year that was - 2017 - a year of mixed results
The First trip out was to Broken Hill - can you see for ever ? |
I was home for a little time when the call came - there was a fire - can you report to The Recovery Centre? First at Coonabarrabran, then Coolah for a week. I stayed - great team to work with. Below: the storm and the team from Community service.

Farm Visit: great drive ways - always ring ahead |
Then I was in Nyngan, Hermidale visiting and getting around
Back in Nyngan for the Smalls schools Big Camp at the show ground - Monday to Friday. Schools: Bourke district - we had Wanaaring, Engonia, Girilambone, Quambone, Marra Creek Hermidale & Carinda Public schools and distant Education - 110 children. We also had students from Knox Grammar, PLC and Ravenswood, plus Next Gen UME star - sadly his GPS took him to Bourke St :(
Could this be rain? |
The RMU Field days - some came for the first day & stayed for the lot. Good work to those who set it up. It was the end of a great run by Bronwyn Murphy as she passed over the baton to Rev Mark Faulkner - right - giving his keynote address at the dinner. Powerful words to take us forward. RMU has become part of "Salt Bush" - scattered Communities, new name, new Vision - forward into the future.
Then down the river with a great bunch of people from across the state - yes even the Moderator - who is a great supporter of this project .
I finished this trip in Shepperton Vic and drove to Tamworth for the first of my 3 eye operations. I know I am healing as I can read and write with my $30 readers -they are working well - sorry they have no spell check glasses yet . But I just remembered I did not do a Blog on the Lower MDB tour - sorry guys but I will get to it. The last 3 months have been humbling - relying on others for lifts and other care and so much prayer. I have done much from home and over the phone plus attended some great events - if you follow my Facebook page you will see lots of Photos.
I once was blind but now I see. So much more to do but 2017 made me take rest like never before but I found it was needed in allowing others to help, I found new life and God's Love in the staff of the doctor's rooms and all around me, friends and family.
Looking forward to new sights to see as God opens his Kingdom through the lens of my Camera.