Emergency Management Australia and Community Services NSW held a simulated bushfire emergency in Deniliquin a couple of weeks ago and I was invited to go as part of the Red Cross Team (the Disaster Chaplains are still waiting for the final go-ahead from Community Services). The exercise was to see how various welfare agencies could work together to run an evacuation centre. Under the NSW Disaster Plan the roles of each agency are specified, so we had Red Cross providing personal support and registering people, ADRA providing emergency housing, The Salvation Army doing food, St Vincent de Paul providing personal needs and Anglicare filling in where needed.
It was a very well thought out exercise with lots of interesting and varied situations (including one person who had their pet snake with them) to test us all out. I'm pleased to be able to say that most situations were handled well and hopefully everyone is a little better equipped when the real situation comes along.
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