Some of you will have heard about Waste Not Want Not (WNWN) from other sources but for those of you who haven't, WNWN is a project that takes produce that doesn't meet supermarket specifications (wrong size, small mark on the skin etc) from the Hillton. Griffith and Leeton areas and sends it to Syd to
Foodbank to be distributed to charities. It has been a joint project between the Uniting Church, Carrathool Shire, Foodbank and the Hillston Community.
Recently we celebrated our first birthday and there have been some significant milestones in 12 months
- 600 tonnes of produce sent to Syd (fruit and veges, meat, grain and olive oil)
- Second WNWN group started at Leeton
- Foodbank regional hub started at Griffith
- Semi-Finalist in Community of the Year
- Facebook page set up
- Over 90 media mentions
It has been quite an amazing year for us.
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