First there was a visit to a soup kitchen and lunch with some of the locals. This was followed by a very eye opening time at Oasis Youth program run by the Salvation Army. For kids from Hillston hearing about some of the stories of inner city kids was quite a revelation.
The evening was spent helping serve food (in the rain of course) from the Exodus Food van parked near St Mary's Cathedral.
The second day involved a visit to Parramatta Mission to help prepare lunch and then some time at Foodbank seeing how the food is distributed to the charities. We were also able to help bag some apples while there and again were reminded that the produce is of excellent quality, just the wrong shape or size.

The students were a real credit to their school, interacting with all sorts of people and coping with a range of personalities and mental illnesses. They are keen to spend their next holidays volunteering in Syd.
Watch this space for the launch of the new website!
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