Last week I talked about some the partnership building things that I do. However it is impossible to be active in rural NSW without constantly coming across the last of services and inequalities that exist compared to urban areas of our state. As Christians we can't ignore these inequalities or not be involved when help is needed. So the third role that I'm involved in is 3. Providing a voice for rural issues and rural communities.
This is done in a number of ways including this blog and facebook page. They provide a great forum for us to tell you about the things we come across and it is wonderful that you have all been great followers and help us to spread the news. We use other vehicles as well and Uniting Church members will often see some of our news in Insights and Ruminations. We also make submissions to government or other bodies and speak at various functions.
A number of years ago the Rural Ministry Unit identified mental health issues as one of the greatest challenges for congregations in the rural areas. This is one area where lack of services is absolutely chronic. Phill has been active in this area but some of the projects I have been working on are the supports for congregations around mental health and supporting community groups working to prevent suicide. You may remember reading about some of these in the blog previously.
This little booklet is the first phase of resources for congregations. You can see an interactive version here.
The Communities Matter toolkit is for community groups who are working to prevent suicide in their communities. We have highlighted a number of happenings in past blogs here.
I also represent rural and remote communities on the TAFE Western Institute Advisory Council.
4. Supporting individuals and Communities pre, during and post disaster.
As one of the Assistance Senior Chaplains for the Disaster Recovery Chaplaincy Network I am often involved in managing and supporting Chaplains who go to disaster areas. It is a work I am passionate about the role of Chaplains at disasters is growing and being more recognised by other disaster services. I also chair the Riverina Disaster Response Committee but we are all thankful that we had a quiet summer. Part of my role has also been to design and write (with the help of my very clever son) some specialist software to help with logistics in disaster.
5. Work for the Broader Uniting and Ecumenical Churches
This last role is about being the Uniting church in other places. Some of the things I do is facilitate the Rural Chaplains Network. We come together about once a year and meet with Chaplains from a variety of denominations who are working across NSW. You can read about our last gathering here.
Another facilitating role is to bring together all the small churches in the NW sector of the Riverina Presbytery. Our times together are always a good chance to learn something new and share what has been going on. The wonderful thing about many of these small lay-lead churches is that they are growing.
So you can see the role is varied and interesting - never a dull moment.
But underneath it all is the desire to be faithful to the call from our Lord and King -
This is done in a number of ways including this blog and facebook page. They provide a great forum for us to tell you about the things we come across and it is wonderful that you have all been great followers and help us to spread the news. We use other vehicles as well and Uniting Church members will often see some of our news in Insights and Ruminations. We also make submissions to government or other bodies and speak at various functions.
A number of years ago the Rural Ministry Unit identified mental health issues as one of the greatest challenges for congregations in the rural areas. This is one area where lack of services is absolutely chronic. Phill has been active in this area but some of the projects I have been working on are the supports for congregations around mental health and supporting community groups working to prevent suicide. You may remember reading about some of these in the blog previously.
This little booklet is the first phase of resources for congregations. You can see an interactive version here.

I also represent rural and remote communities on the TAFE Western Institute Advisory Council.
4. Supporting individuals and Communities pre, during and post disaster.
As one of the Assistance Senior Chaplains for the Disaster Recovery Chaplaincy Network I am often involved in managing and supporting Chaplains who go to disaster areas. It is a work I am passionate about the role of Chaplains at disasters is growing and being more recognised by other disaster services. I also chair the Riverina Disaster Response Committee but we are all thankful that we had a quiet summer. Part of my role has also been to design and write (with the help of my very clever son) some specialist software to help with logistics in disaster.
5. Work for the Broader Uniting and Ecumenical Churches
This last role is about being the Uniting church in other places. Some of the things I do is facilitate the Rural Chaplains Network. We come together about once a year and meet with Chaplains from a variety of denominations who are working across NSW. You can read about our last gathering here.
Another facilitating role is to bring together all the small churches in the NW sector of the Riverina Presbytery. Our times together are always a good chance to learn something new and share what has been going on. The wonderful thing about many of these small lay-lead churches is that they are growing.
So you can see the role is varied and interesting - never a dull moment.
But underneath it all is the desire to be faithful to the call from our Lord and King -
“I tell you the truth, whatever you
did for the least of these brothers of mine you did for me.”
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