New Rural Chaplain -Phill Matthews |
I am the new Rural Chaplain my name is Phillip Matthews,
I prefer Phill; I started as a Rural Chaplain based in Narrabri this month. Big
thanks to the folks of Narrabri for making us so welcome.
So who am I?
I was born in the North East of England. I came to
Australia with my family in 1968 when I was 16.
My wife, Lyn, and I have 2 children, and 5 wonderful
grandchildren (2 boys & 3 girls) and they all live in the Campbelltown
area. We also have a faithful dog, BJ, a Blue healer cross who chose us on a
holiday to Forster 9 years ago.
Pre-church I worked as a stockman on piggeries did
tractor driving and fencing/clearing. I owned a trucking company, mainly
selling soft drinks and a bit of general carrying. This was in the Young
district. I returned to Sydney to take up Youth Work in the Campbelltown suburb
of Claymore in a Community Youth Centre, then I became the co-ordinator of a
Youth refuge sponsored by the Uniting Church, from 1986-1996.
In this time I took on “tent-maker ministry” in Claymore as
part of “Parish on the Way”, made up of 2 house based churches. In 1996 I moved
into fulltime ministry with “Parish on the Way” and with Airds High School as South
West Community Youth Worker, as
Chaplains had been stopped in public
schools. (They came back in 3 months after I finished this ministry in 2006). This
time was split between community ministry and youth work. We had a Dept of
Housing house as our base and church. We ran a Kids club of 18 children, Youth
group with varying numbers, plus did 8 camps a year and 4 school conferences, as
well as Baptisms and weddings, most in the great outdoors.
I have been working with a joint Placement on the Mid
North Coast at Nabiac and Hallidays Point Uniting Churches for 7 years. This
was a mixture of Rural and Coastal communities, the latter with a high tourist
turnover and retirement villages. Also for the last the 4 years I have been the
Southern Zone Presbytery Minister for the Mid North Coast; this had me working
with a number of Congregations seeking their way forward in these exciting
times. I did mission planning Pastor Assessments and trained to present Safe
Church workshops as well as the normal Presbytery business of PRC Standing
Committee .
I have been in ministry since 1974 – as youth
group leader, elder, a Partner in Mission, a Lay Pastor; then I became a
Minister of the Word in 2008 through the transition process. This was an
affirming move by the Synod and my presbyteries. I have been in churches in Blacktown - Lalor
Park, Yeoval, Young, Campbelltown, Claymore, Rosemeadow, Airds High school and
Nabiac - Hallidays Point .
Why am I a Rural
As Paul Creek read out the profile at ACOMP (of which I
was also a member), I heard the call of God to this placement. I spoke to Lyn
in the break and she affirmed it sounded like my kind of placement, and she was
willing to go if called. Over the next
months, in conversations with the RMU, JNC members, Dorothy Creek and Julie
Greig, the Rural Chaplain, my understanding and also call were affirmed.
On the job- Phill and Julie deep in discussion with UnitingCare Community Development officer,Corrina. |
I have a love for
hearing people’s stories and walking with those on the margins of community and
the church. I believe in building links with church and community. I have had, over
many years, come to see my gift in connecting with people in real ways and connecting
the gospel to those who feel they do not fit in the mould of the main stream
churches. This has been affirmed in many ways .
My background has
given me many gifts and experiences that I believe equip me for this role. I
love to travel and Lyn and I are used to being in different places, often for a
couple of weeks at a time. So with that, and my background in Rural and Community work, the wisdom of the RMU and a good
GPS ( God Prayer Service ) I look
forward to meeting the challenges and to
building some good friendships and strong networks. I will be inducted into the placement on 23rd
March at Narrabri UCA at 2pm.
Oh yes, I love “real” Coffee, so you will probably find
me checking out the local coffee shops in your area.
What am I not good
at? Using punctuation and spelling. But I do ask for help (yes, I asked this time)
Rev Phill Matthews
Chaplain 0418627875
madpom52 @gmail.com
* Julie and Sue welcome Phill to the work of the Rural Chaplain and look forward to working with him. Sue especially, is looking forward to some coffee times! (We don't let Julie have coffee. She's too active as it is!- No -just joking!)