Rural Chaplains Gather
These meetings are always great times of fellowship, sharing
and developing ways we can work together. This time we had a focus on natural
disasters and how we can coordinate recovery and pastoral efforts across the
denominations. We had sessions with the Ministry for Police and Emergency
Services and the Rural Fire Service that helped to broaden our understanding of
how the various systems work and how Chaplains can be effective at these times.
We also talked about where various denominations were putting their efforts
after the fires in January, places that are not currently being covered and how
we could coordinate what we were doing
As always I came away from the meeting praising God for
faithful people from all the denominations who are as passionate about those
living in the bush as I am, and who are just as committed to be the People of
God in whatever places we find ourselves.
Nolene and Les Barrass, Salvation Army Rural Chaplains based in West Wyalong
This is a great way to keep us informed. Jim and Ruth Clark, Watanobbi. NSW.